Herman Cain Speaks Against Santorum’s Racist Remark

10 Jan

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2 Responses to “Herman Cain Speaks Against Santorum’s Racist Remark”

  1. pmbalele January 10, 2012 at 7:21 pm #

    Now Herman Cain is coming to roost. Just a month ago had distanced himself with African-Americans – calling us brain washed and smarter than any of us. Cain has realized people he was palling with were actually his enemy because of his black race. I believe the counseling did a good job on him. He was a lost sheep. I hope following will similarly come to terms with reality that republicans don’t like Black people and powerful white women: Megan, Michael Steel, Allan West, Allen Keyes, Cowley, Laura Ingraham, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. I am asking them to campaign for President Obama.

  2. WizardG January 11, 2012 at 2:05 am #

    I still maintain that we are the victims of a nation-wide package of scams that encompasses practically every aspect of our lives. Vote for whomever you please in this barrage of scams stacked on top of scams and you will still get screwed! If you’re in a position to benefit from a particular politician,or any number of their scams, well then you can count yourself as one of a fraction of lucky SOBs..But know you, that you are not helping better the world when you play along with these major-league scam artists in suits.

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